As a token of appreciation for the support and loyalty from SAHID HOTELS & RESORTS guests for more than 25 years. Sahid Hotels & Resorts is proud to present a loyalty program called SAHID ConneXion.
SAHID ConneXion is a rewards program offered to our loyal guests who frequently stayed and enjoyed our hospitality. Being a SAHID ConneXion member can bring various benefits such as, points rewards, exclusive rates and special discounts exclusively for SAHID ConneXion members.
Through the SAHID ConneXion program, every guest has the opportunity to get a number of points every time they make at least one room booking transaction at Sahid hotels, through website . Later, the points that have been collected can be exchanged just like cash when making subsequent transactions in all Sahid hotels in Indonesia through our website.

Let’s stay in all Sahid Hotels & Resorts and Be Rewarded!